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BidBlink Penny Auction Website

Bid Blink Penny Auction Website

On BidBlink, you can win brand new products and gift cards for up to 99% off retail prices. Like a traditional auction, the last bidder that bids before time runs out, wins. But on BidBlink, each bid lowers the price of the item. To offer this discount, we charge a small fee -- 40¢ per bid -- for each bid placed.

Sign up for a free account then follow these simple steps:

1. Buy Bids

Just want to try things out? Start with the Sampler. Bidding pro? Get the Monster and get more bonus bids!



1250 Bids

100 Bonus Bids



420 Bids

80 Bonus Bids




150 Bids

50 Bonus Bids



70 Bids

30 Bonus Bids



30 Bids

20 Bonus Bids


2. Bid on an item

Go to the auctions page to see all the current auctions. Click on the item you are interested in winning to see more details about that auction. Prices typically start at 10% off retail price and go down for each bid placed. The timer will show you how much time remains until the auction ends. Now all you have to do is click the Bid button!

If the time remaining is less than 45 seconds, then every bid placed extends the auction by 15 seconds. This prevents anyone from "sniping" an auction at the last second.

Placing a Single Bid or Auto-Bid will first use any Bonus Bids in your account, followed by bids you purchased.

Choose your bid type:

Single Bid - Click on the "Bid" button to place a single bid and lower the price of the item by 1¢.

Auto-Bid - If you can't watch an auction, you can set your Auto-Bidder to automatically place a bid when someone outbids you. If you set Auto-Bids when there is more than one minute remaining, your Auto-Bids will be locked in and will not become active until the timer has gone below 45 seconds.

When multiple people have auto bids placed at the same time on an auction, each Auto-Bidder will place one bid every few seconds. This allows the Auto-Bidders to battle it out more quickly. If you are new to using the Auto-Bid feature, we recommend placing the minimum amount of Auto-Bids until you get comfortable with how it works.

In NailBiter auctions, only Single Bids can be placed.

Note: You can place more Auto-Bids than you have actual bids in your account. If you run out of actual bids, BidBlink will automatically cancel any remaining Auto-Bids.

Tip: If you click the "Add Auto-Bids" button multiple times you can customize the number of Auto-Bids you want set. For example, select "10 Bids" and click the "Add Auto-Bids" button twice and you'll have 20 Auto-Bids set.

3. When the times runs out, the last bidder wins!

If you're the last bidder when time runs out, you win! After winning, pay the final price plus shipping.

Bids Back!
When you win an auction and the final price is negative, you only pay for shipping. Plus you get one bid back for every 40¢ that the price is less than zero. For example, if the final price is -$4.00 you get 10 bids added to your account.

Nobody loses on BidBlink!
If you don't win the auction, you have 12 hours after it ends to purchase the same item for the retail price minus the value of the bids you placed (discount is 40¢ per bid). Bonus Bids placed cannot be used towards your discount. For example, let's say you placed 20 bids and 5 Bonus Bids on an item that has a retail price of $50.00. Your price is $50.00 minus $8.00 (20 bids x 40¢), for a total of $42 plus shipping and Buy Now fees. The price cannot be discounted to less than $0 and shipping cannot be discounted. There is a Buy Now fee of 7% (up to a maximum of $19.99) of the retail price for all Buy Now opportunities. However, if you Buy Now within 30 minutes of the auction ending, we'll waive the Buy Now fee!



BidBlink was founded by two Silicon Valley veterans in July of 2009. Since then, we've been hard at work at creating the most rewarding and exciting shopping experience possible. We offer the best reverse penny auctions around.

At BidBlink, we aim to provide stellar value on popular products such as the Nintendo Wii, XBoxes, PlayStations, Televisions, Gift Cards, and other top-of-the-line merchandise.

Several things set us apart from the competition

  1. Price goes down, not up. As more people bid, we're able to offer you better deals.
  2. Everybody wins. If you're not the last bidder when time runs out, you can use your investment towards purchasing the product.
  3. We give bids back if the prices drop below $0.00. Nice.
  4. Our bid prices are only 40 cents. That's a great deal compared to prices upwards of one dollar per bid at other sites.

Get in contact with us

We are here to serve you. Feel free to contact us for any reason.

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